Services > Public Workshops

Learn Superforecasting from the Pros

Join us at one of Good Judgment’s popular interactive workshops to get a hands-on introduction to Superforecasting techniques and practice your new skills in small groups.

Good Judgment is pleased to announce our next public workshop, in an all-virtual format.

May Superforecasting Workshop

20 & 22 May 2025
12:00 pm – 2:30 pm EDT

Participants should plan to join both Tuesday and Thursday.

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Contact us for our government, NGO, and student rate. Private tailored workshops for your team, with material focused on your specific interests, are also available upon request.


Professional Superforecasters and Good Judgment researchers will lead workshop sessions on:

Here are Three Reasons Why You Should Attend a Good Judgment Forecasting Workshop. A Good Judgment workshop is also an opportunity to practice your new forecasting skills in small groups and to discover how we won a massive US government-sponsored geopolitical forecasting tournament and generated forecasts that were 30% more accurate than those produced by intelligence community analysts with access to classified information.

Custom Private Workshops

Good Judgment provides private Superforecasting Workshops designed to help organizations develop a structured process for forecasting, collaborate more effectively, and enhance their forecasting accuracy. Depending on your needs, these virtual workshops range from two-hour lectures, half-day workshops, and full-day-equivalent workshops.

Learn more »

Previous workshop clients include:


Stop guessing. Start Superforecasting.

Schedule a consultation to learn how our FutureFirst monitoring tool, custom Superforecasts, and training services can help your organization make better decisions.

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