Superforecasting US Elections features the most accurate forecasts about key races, their outcomes, and their impact on policy. Cut through the noise with Superforecasters who provide you with specific probabilities, as well as the risks and drivers behind their forecasts.
Coming Soon:
Who will win in each of these key swing-states:
The Superforecasters offer the best possible crowd-sourced forecasts based on the information available today. Rather than relying on a single source or expert, they evaluate the merits of hundreds of sources and experts.
This topical dashboard is a subset of the FutureFirst™ dashboard and is available for a limited time. It also includes a report with a representative sample of the Superforecasters’ comments, summarizing the drivers, risks, and rationales from the professional forecasters.
For a full list of questions please click here:
Superforecasters are less noisy — they don’t show the variability that the rest of us show. They’re very smart; but also, very importantly, they don’t think in terms of “yes” or “no” but in terms of probability. They break problems down to their component parts and don’t think holistically.
Cass Sunstein, Robert Walmsley University Professor at Harvard Law School and co-author of NoiseWhat does a subscription to Superforecasting US Elections include?
Superforecasting US Elections includes 24/7 access to the topical forecast dashboard. Forecasts are updated daily and displayed alongside historical forecast trends.
The subscription also includes a summary report with Superforecaster analysis, comments, and context for what is driving the forecasts.
Subscribers will have access to new questions added during the subscription period, and they can nominate new questions or request ones that are similar to existing questions.
How does Superforecasting US Elections differ from FutureFirst?
Superforecasting US Elections is part of Good Judgment’s FutureFirst monitoring tool. FutureFirst also includes forecasts on a broader range of topics—including global economics, geopolitics, and technology, as well as other topics such as the Russia-Ukraine war.
Where do these forecasts come from?
Elite Superforecasters from around the world work together to track and distill information about US elections from hundreds of available public sources, providing precise probabilities—and delivering the most accurate forecasts as early as possible. Their commentary reflects the full spectrum of their views, so you may benefit from multiple perspectives and rather than a single point of view.
If you have additional questions or want to talk through our services, request a free consultation.
An analysis of Good Judgment Project forecasts by UC-Irvine decision scientist Mark Steyvers found that Superforecasters anticipated events 400 days in advance as accurately as regular forecasters could see those events 150 days ahead.
Schedule a consultation to learn how our FutureFirst monitoring tool, custom Superforecasts, and training services can help your organization make better decisions.