Services > Subscription Superforecasts

Read tomorrow's headlines today

Get the news of the future from Good Judgment's Superforecasters.

Subscribe to one of our dashboards on topics such as Global Risks and Superforecasting the Fed.

Or create your own future-news dashboard.

Either way, you’ll get up-to-the-minute analysis from our global network of professional Superforecasters. They scan thousands of data sources in multiple languages to separate the signal from the noise, saving you time and money.

You’ll have 24/7 online access to daily forecast updates and the historical forecast trend. Superforecaster commentary sheds light on the key drivers of their forecasts – and the data that would make them change their minds.

Topical subscriptions

Don't settle for punditry. Our Superforecasters make specific, falsifiable forecasts on the most pressing geopolitical and economic risks that challenge organizations worldwide.

Our topical dashboards are the most economical way to get Superforecaster insights on the questions that make you lose sleep. Subscription packages typically include forecasts on about 10 questions on different facets of the central theme. See currently available packages below.

Á la carte subscriptions

Seeking Superforecaster insights on questions not covered in our current topical subscription packages?

Customize your own dashboard. Select from a menu of popular forecasting questions on topics such as elections, economic indicators, COVID, and trade wars.

Contact Good Judgment to find out what questions are currently available.


Stop guessing. Start Superforecasting.

Schedule a consultation to learn how our FutureFirst monitoring tool, custom Superforecasts, and training services can help your organization make better decisions.

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