Forecasting Services

Applying the Science of Superforecasting for Smarter Decision-Making

Learn more about Good Judgment Inc and its forecasting and training services

Good Judgment provides the most accurate early insight available from professional Superforecasters through subscription forecasts on broad-interest questions and custom forecasts on the most pressing unknowns for client organizations.

Individuals and organizations can also build their own forecasting and decision-making skills with training and tools tested by Superforecasters and scientifically validated through Good Judgment research.

Schedule a consultation to learn how our forecasting and training services can benefit your organization.

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Good Judgment Forecasting & Training Services

Access Superforecaster Insights with FutureFirst™

A subscription to FutureFirst provides access to the full suite of Good Judgment’s probability forecasts including daily updates and regular Superforecaster® commentary presented alongside historical forecast trends.

Pose Custom Questions to Superforecasters

Superforecasters identify the most likely outcomes of complex global questions with unmatched accuracy and unparalleled speed—in some cases, hundreds of days earlier than other forecasters. Customized forecasts and commentary reports are tailored to an organization’s specific concerns.

Train Teams to Forecast More Accurately

Good Judgment provides private Superforecasting® Workshops designed to help organizations develop a structured process for forecasting, collaborate more effectively, and enhance their forecasting accuracy.

For specifics about workshop structures, components, and timing, download this brochure.

Help Individuals Advance Their Forecasting Skills

With Good Judgment’s public Superforecasting Workshops, professional Superforecasters and Good Judgment researchers lead sessions on cognitive debiasing and collaboration to improve forecasting accuracy and practice skills in an interactive setting.

For those looking to build a foundation in forecasting, the Superforecasting Fundamentals is a concise, self-paced online course that focuses on the fundamental skills needed to start thinking like a Superforecaster.

Meet the Superforecasters

Who Are the Superforecasters?

Good Judgment maintains a global network of nearly 200 elite Superforecaster professionals who collaborate to tackle clients’ forecasting questions with unparalleled accuracy, beating all head-to-head competitors.

The original Superforecasters emerged in a geopolitical forecasting competition funded by the US Intelligence Community. The competition found compelling evidence that some people are exceptionally skilled at assigning probabilities to uncertain future events. Good Judgment co-founder Philip Tetlock chronicled the Superforecasters’ performance and unique attributes in his New York Times bestseller, Superforecasting: The Art and Science of Prediction.

Today, the commercial successor Good Judgment Inc is a forecasting consulting firm that provides public and private organizations early insights on real-world events.

While their credentials are diverse, Superforecasters are all open‐minded thinkers with a singular focus at Good Judgment: making accurate forecasts.

Meet the some of the individuals behind the predictions that provide unparalleled early insight for businesses, governments, and nonprofits with these Superforecaster profiles.

What Sets Superforecasters Apart From Other Forecasters?

Good Judgment uses collaborative forecasting methods that have been scientifically demonstrated to be effective, with forecasters who have been vetted for superior accuracy and whose ongoing performance is tracked and monitored.

While they represent differing areas of subject matter expertise, Superforecasters are recognized for their proficiency in the science of forecasting and their decades of collective experience assigning well-calibrated, accurate probabilities to complex outcomes.

Schedule a consultation to learn how our FutureFirst monitoring tool, custom Superforecasts, and training services can help your organization make better decisions.


Contact Good Judgment


Stop guessing. Start Superforecasting.

Schedule a consultation to learn how our FutureFirst monitoring tool, custom Superforecasts, and training services can help your organization make better decisions.

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